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Capture white stones

Life and Death Ex. 42.png
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Capture the marked white stones.

Reference: Life and Death Ex.42

Watch and Play

Find more at Game page 1, Game page 2..

Title Video Game type File type Language Remarks
Life and Death Ex.12 Watch the video Life and Death GBF Korean -
Life and Death Ex.42 Watch the video Life and Death GBF Korean  
Life and Death Ex.11 Watch the video Life and Death GBF Korean -
Life and Death Ex.41 Watch the video Life and Death GBF Korean  
Samsung World Go Masters 2024.8.31 Watch the video Game review GBF Korean Li He vs. Choi Jeong
Life and Death Ex.10 Watch the video Life and Death GBF Korean -
Life and Death Ex.40 Watch the video Life and Death GBF Korean  
Joseki after Joseki - 12 Watch the video Joseki review GBF English Case study of 3-3 invasion
Tricky play at Star point Watch the video Joseki NA English/Chinese caption Move variants at corner
Initial 50 moves - 173 Watch the video Game review GBF Korean Beginner’s common mistakes